Thursday, April 10, 2008

Will Short Clips

Daddy thought that his first post should include video... So here are a few short clips of Will and Elliot: (If you listen really close, Will says 'Hello' and 'Daddy')


Kimmy J said...

Love the video:) I forgot to mention in my last comment, but naps at the same time ARE AWESOME!

Lainie said...

He is so WONDERFUL! What a blessed family. Lily was watching the video and yelling that's MY baby... I explained that this baby is Elliot's little brother and hers is still in my tummy but it didn't seem to stick. She was very insistent that Will is hers and Elliot can have another baby.

Wood said...

I totally heard him say Daddy and Hello! What a smart one he's going to be! :) Precious...thanks for the video and pictures...