Thursday, July 3, 2008

Preparing for Grandma...

Today we begin a month full of visiting and visitors. First among these is my mom's visit, which commences today. In preparation for "grammy-wham's" visit, we've been cleaning, tidying, and cooking as much as a baby and a toddler will allow. My mom would probably prefer if I prefaced the next portion of the entry by saying that she does not care what my house (or my children) look like, she just wants to visit, but I like to try my best to create a clean, welcoming environment for our guests, so we've been working toward that end.

Monday (Day -3): Clean cars and bathrooms.
Tuesday (Day -2): Do laundry.
Wednesday (Day -1): Sweep floors, clean kitchen, and pick up toys in yard. Burn candles in rooms with diapers to overshadow diaper smells.
Thursday (Day of mom's arrival): Quickly reclean bathrooms and kitchen. Give up on resweeping floors laden with a day's worth of toddler crumbs. Clean children so they smell good for grandma (the children were particularly not on board with this mission...Will had to have FOUR baths this morning because he pooped in the first THREE!...then Elliot got out of the bathtub and pee'd on the floor...reclean floor...). Rinse out poopy cloth diapers (Elliot's "helps" by flushing between diapers...unfortunately, he became impatient waiting for the toilet to refill so he could flush again, so he began shutting the toilet lid on my head to pass the time...hmmm...reconsidering cloth diapering now...). :)

After all that, we're ready for grandma...the house, children, and myself are clean and tidy...I'll just need a nice long nap after she gets here... :)


Kimmy J said...

I understand about wanting the house to be presentable...enjoy time with your Mom!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a great visit with your mom and the rest of your visitors. I thought of you and your family the other week when the pilot told us that we would be flying over Amarillo!